Address : Udayapur, Gaighat

Madan Bhandari Eye Hospital Udayapur, Gaighat.

Udayapur District, where more than 315,429 people reside, ( This is 2011 survey data ) has limited healthcare facility with basic eye care services. Though ECC has been established in Gaighat, there is no permanent center to carry out cataract and other surgery. People are bound to wait for surgical visit, periodical camps or visit to other places for such facility.

This Eye Care Centre in Gaighat now paved towards the direction of development of secondary eye hospital, where regular cataract surgery can be done. In its thirteen years of service, since this eye care center has provided services to hundreds of thousand people. Data shows that 1,65,306 people were benefited from its service just in last 13 years among which 8,265 people got minor surgery and 13,236 people got cataract surgery. This is realized that the trend could go further higher if secondary eye hospital can be operated with trained Ophthalmologist.

Now with support from Nepal Government and philanthropist donors and supporter a new building has been constructed and present space is capable enough to render secondary level eye care services; provisioning Cataract surgery and emergency care of eye problems in regular basis. The new hospital has adequate space with 9000 Sq ft. and sufficient rooms  to run the OPD, operation Theatre, wards for patient admission and administration.